Ministry of Land, Infrastrucutre and Transport
The 5th Comprehensive National Development Plan
(Dai-5ji Zenkoku-sougou-kaihatsu-keikaku)
Grand Design for the 21st Century
-Promotion of Regional Independence and Creation of Beautiful National Land -
(21seiki no Kokudo no Gurando Dezain -Chiiki no Jiritsu no Sokushin to Utsukushii Kokudo no Souzou-)
Comprehensive National Development Plan is a fundamental plan for the use, development and conservation of the land of Japan. It defines the directions for constructing infrastructure for housing, cities, roads, airports, and so forth.
Since the first plan in 1962, five plans have been formulated by March 1998. These plans have successfully ensured balanced development of national land.
*Japan's Comprehensive National Development Plan is formulated under the Comprehensive National Land Development Act(enacted in 1950) based on consultation between the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and relevant administrative organizations, and studies by the National Land Development Council.
Part I. Basis of the Planned National Land Development | ||
Chapter I. Grand Design for the 21st Century | ||
Section 1. Significant changes in the conditions of the national land Section 2. Necessity for changes in the national land structure Section 3. Creating multi-axial national land structure Section 4. The four national axial zones | ||
Chapter II. Objectives and Strategies | ||
Section 1. Basic objectives Section 2. Strategies Section 3. Specific tasks and their accomplishment | ||
Chapter III. Implementation | ||
Section 1. National land development based on "participation and cooperation" Section 2. Schedule for attracting investment in the country's infrastructure Section 3. Improving institutions and the social system |
Section 1. Making the country safer to live in
Section 2. Conserving and enjoying nature's blessing
Section 3. National land conservation and management focusing on basin areas
Section 4. Conservation and utilization of the ocean and coastal areas
Section 1. Promoting science and technology and creating a favorable environment for building industries
Section 2. Regional development of service industries such as intellectual goods industries by providing more intellectual opportunities
Section 3. Establishing internationally attractive locations for industry
Section 4. New development in agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Section 5. Industrial development in nature-rich residential areas
1. Hokkaido
2. Tohoku
3. Kanto
4. Chubu
5. Hokuriku
6. Kinki
7. Chugoku
8. Shikoku
9. Kyushu
10. Okinawa
11. Snowy areas, remote islands and peninsula areas
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National Planning Devision,
National and Regional Planning Bureau,
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
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