Frequently Asked Questions

The 85th Legislative Session made three changes to the SCP statute.

• Effective September 1, 2017, SCP contracts may offer to replace a motor vehicle key or key-fob if the key or key-fob becomes inoperable or is lost or stolen. See House Bill 2275 for more information. Here is a link to the bill at The Texas Legislature Online:

• In addition, HB 2275 amended the statute to state that a contract provider is not required to deduct the amount of any claims paid from the amount of a refund requested by a contract holder. This change is also effective September 1, 2017.

• Senate Bill 1199 allows a SCP contract to a provide compensation to the buyer of a vehicle on the total constructive loss under a “Depreciation benefit optional member program.” A Depreciation benefit optional member program means a service contract financed under Chapter 348 or 353, Finance Code, that pays to the buyer, as a credit toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle at a participating dealer, an amount less than or equal to the difference between the purchase price and the actual cash value for a total constructive loss. There are some important restrictions however. Please see SB 1199. Here is a link:

Depreciation Benefit Optional Member Programs

What is a “depreciation benefit optional member program”?

A depreciation benefit optional member program (DBOMP) is a service contract that may be offered to a buyer of a vehicle. In the event of a total constructive loss of the vehicle, this service contract provides a credit to the vehicle owner toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle at a participating dealer.

S.B. 1199, 85th Legislature, Regular Session (2017), added a DBOMP as a new type of service contract under Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1304.

Does the DBOMP pay a cash settlement to the buyer in the event of a total constructive loss of the vehicle?

No. Under the terms of the DBOMP, the contract will provide a credit toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle at a participating dealer.

What is the amount of the credit that will be provided under the DBOMP?

The amount of the credit will be “an amount less than or equal to the difference between the purchase price and the actual cash value for a total constructive loss.”

How much can the provider charge for a DBOMP type of service contract?

The provider can only charge a fee for the contract that is reasonable in relation to the benefit provided by the DBOMP type of service contract.

I signed a DBOMP type of service contract but now I want to cancel it. Can I?

Yes. A service contract must allow the service contract holder to cancel the service contract at any time. If you cancel within 30 days of signing the contract, you are entitled to a full refund without paying any cancellation fee. If you cancel after the 30th day, you will only be entitled to a pro-rata refund and may be charged a reasonable cancellation fee not to exceed $50.

Is a DBOMP the same a GAP insurance?

No. A DBOMP only provides for a credit toward the purchase of a replacement vehicle if a buyer’s current vehicle is considered a total constructive loss. GAP insurance pays the difference between the amount a vehicle owner owes on the vehicle and the amount paid to the owner under an insurance policy in the case of a total loss of the vehicle. A DBOMP does not pay any money to a vehicle owner to help pay any outstanding loan on a total constructive loss vehicle.

Are there any restrictions on who can offer a DBOMP type of service contract?

Yes. Only a registered service contract provider may offer a DBOMP unless the seller is a motor vehicle dealer exempt from SCP registration. Please see the FAQ below regarding motor vehicle dealerships.

Who must register as a SCP with this new DBOMP type service contract?

Any person, company, or entity that is contractually obligated to a service contract purchaser under the terms of the contract is required to register with TDLR.

Are motor vehicle dealerships required to register with TDLR?