You may process your transaction at the land bank office in person. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You may process your entire transaction by Simplifile. Please contact Simplifile or the land bank (508-627-7141) with questions on how to upload documents for recording.
You may process your entire transaction by mail You are encouraged to telephone the land bank (508-627-7141) in advance to be sure that you assemble and mail all of the necessary documents.
When your mailing is received by the land bank it will be processed and hand-carried to the registry of deeds by the end of the next business day. You will be contacted if your mailing is incomplete.
Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission
Post Office Box 2057
Edgartown, Massachusetts 02539
Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission
40 Meetinghouse Way
Edgartown, MA 02539