Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NANOMATERIALS."— Presentation transcript:


2 A. Introduction Physical Properties of Nanomaterials
● Nano-sized condensed matter exhibits some remarkable specific properties that may be significantly different from the physical properties of bulk materials. Some are known, but there may be a lot more to be discovered. ● Origins:(i) large fraction of surface atoms, (ii) large surface energy, (iii) spatial confinement, and (iv) reduced imperfections.

3 ● Examples: Lower melting point or phase transition temperature, Reduced lattice constants, Enhanced mechanical properties Different optical properties Higher or lower electrical conductivity Different magnetic properties Enhanced chemical reacitivity ● Many such properties are size dependent. Properties of nanostructured materials can be tuned considerably simply by adjusting the size, shape or extent of agglomeration.

4 B. Melting Points and Lattice Constants
● Nanoparticles are found to have lower melting temperatures when the particle size decreases below 100nm. ● The relationship between the melting points of a bulk material, Tb, and a particle, Tm is given by Tb- Tm= rs :radius of the particle; ΔH:molar latent heat of fusion ;γand ρ:surface energy and density, respectively. 2 3 ρ s ρ l 2 Tb ( ) γs-γl ΔH ρ s rs (8.12) #58

5 thus melting temperature.
● the above theorectical description is based on classical thermodynamic considerations, on the assumption that nanoparticles all have the equilibrum shape (given by the Wulff relationship) and are perfect crystals the apporximation or the model discussed above has been found to be in a good agreement with the experimental results,regardless of these assumptions. ● It is not always easy to determine or define the melting temperature of nanoparticles: F8.13 F8.15 ● Evaporation:effectively reducing particle size ● Oxidation: changing surface composition and thus melting temperature.

6 ● Three different criteria for experimental determination of melting temperature:
(i) the disappearance of the state of order in the solid (e.g., electron diffraction peaks), (ii) the sharp variation of some physical properties, such as evaporation rate, (iii) the sudden change in the particle shape. ● In addition to metals, size dependence of melting points has also been reported in other materials including semiconductors and oxides.

7 (B-2). Other phase transition temperature
● In addition to nanoparticles, melting temperatures of various nanowires have also been found to be lower than that of bulk forms. Nanowires may spotaneously undergo a spheroidization process to break up into shorter segments and form spherical paricles at a relatively low temperature to reduce the high surface energy. (B-2). Other phase transition temperature ● Other phase transitions have similar size dependence. For example, the ferroelectric-paraelectric transition temperatures, or the Curie temperatures for barium titanate( BaTiO3) : bulk material is 130℃ and drop drastically at sizes below200nm, reaching 75℃at~120nm. F8.14

8 (B-3). Lattice constants
● The change of crystal structure may occur when the dimension of materials is sufficiently small. For example: ● Figure 8.15a shows that the lattice constants of nanopaticles decrease linearly with an increasing reciprocal particle radius. It is further noticed that the CdS nanoparticles with surface modification demonstrate less reduction in lattice constant than that of bare nanoparticles. ● BaTiO3 at grain sizes larger than 1.5μm, a constant ratio of the lattice parameters, c/a-1=1.02%, whereas at grain sizes smaller than 1.5μm, c/a-1<1%. ● BaTiO3:a phase change from tetragonal to pseudocubic structure gradually takes place as shown in Fig.8.17. Nano 6-4 f 2.4 F8.15 F8.16 F8.17

9 C. Mechanical Properties
The mechanical properties of materials usually increase with decreasing size. →not always true. (C-1) Whiskers and Nanowires (A) a whisker can have a mechanical strength approaching to the theoretical. ● The increase of mechanical strength becomes appreciable only when the diameter of a whisker is less than 10 microns. ● The enhancement in mechanical strength starts in micron meter scale, which is noticeably different from other property size dependence.

10 (B) Two possible mechanisms to explain the enhanced strength:
● high internal perfection of the nanowires or whiskers: Imperfections in crystals are highly energetic and small size makes elimination of imperfections possible. Some imperfections in bulk materials, such as dislocations are often created to accommodate stresses generated in the synthesis and processing of bulk materials due to temperature gradient and other inhomogeneities. Such stresses are unlikely to exist in small structures. ● perfection of the side faces of whiskers or nanowires: In general, smaller structures have less surface defects. For example, It was found that vapor grown whiskers with diameters of 10 microns or less had no detectable steps on their surfaces whereas irregular growth steps were revealed on whiskers with diameters above 10 microns. F2.8 F4.1 F3.4 F4.7 F8.18

11 (C-2). Nanostructuredmaterials (polycrystalline with nano-sized grains )
● Yield strength, σTS, and hardness, H, of polycrystalline materials are known to be dependent on grain size on the micrometer scale, following the Hall-Petch relationship: σ0and H0:constants, d:average grain size, and KTS and KH:material-dependent constants. ● The Hall-Petch model treats grain boundaries as barriers to dislocation motion ● Nano-materials possess high perfection and no dislocations Therefore, the Hall-Petch model would be invalidated in the nanometer regime. ● Experimentally, it has been found that nanostructured metals have higher or lower strength and hardness compared to coarse- grained materials, (There is no solid understanding on the size dependence of the mechanical properties.) F6.11 F6.4 MPS10-4 (8.13) MPS10-32 F7-3 F7-4 (8.14) F8.19

12 D. Optical properties ● The reduction of materials’ dimension has pronounced effects on the optical properties ─ One is due to the increased energy level spacing →quantum size effect ─ the other is related to surface plasmon resonance.

13 (D-1). Quantum size effects
● When the size of a nanocrystal (i.e. a single crystal nanoparticle) is smaller than the de Broglie wavelength, electrons and holes are spatially confined and electric dipoles are formed, and discrete electronic energy level would be formed in all materials. Similar to a particle in a box, the energy separation between adjacent levels increases with decreasing dimenaions. F8.22 Nano5-7 Nano5-8

14 These changes arise through systematic transformations in the density of electronic energy levels as a function of the size, and these changes result in strong variations in the optical and electrical properties with size. In the case of metals, where the Fermi level lies in the center of a band and the relevant energy level spacing is very small, the electronic and optical properties more closely resemble those of continuum, even in relatively small sizes (tens or hundreds of atoms). In semiconductors, the Fermi level lies between two bands, so that the edges of the bands are dominating the low-energy optical and electrical behavior. Optical excitations across the gap depend strongly on the size, even for crystallites as large as 10,000 atoms. For insulators, the band gap between two bands is already too big in bulk form. F8.22

15 (A) Semiconductor Semi The quantum size effect is most pronounced for semiconductor nanoparticles, where the band gap increases with a decreasing size, resulting in the interband transition shifting to higher frequencies. In a semiconductor, the energy separation is of the order of a few electrovolts and increases rapidly with a decreasing size. Figure 8.23:both the absorption edge and the luminescence peak position shift to a higher energy as the particle size reduces. Such a size dependence of absorption peak has been widely used in determining the size of nanocrystals. F8.23 F8.24 T2.7

16 (B) Metal nanoparticles
Ceram For metal nanoparticles, to observe the localization of the energy levels, the size must be well below 2 nm, (as the level spacing has to exceed the thermal energy (~26 meV.)) (made up of~100 atoms) The spacing, δ, depends on the Fermi energy of the metal, EF, and on the number of electrons in the metal, N The discrete electronic energy level has been observed in far-infrared absorption measurements of gold nanoparticle metals (8.21) Nano5-8

17 In addition to the size confinement, light emitted from nanowires is highly polarized along their longitudinal directions. Quantum dots are used to describe small particles that exhibit quantum size effects. Quantum wires are referred to as quantum wires when exhibiting quantum effects. F8.25

18 (D-2). Surface plasmon resonance
● Surface plasmon resonance is the coherent excitiation of all the “free” electrons within the conduction band leading to an in-phase oscillation. ● When the size of a metal nanocrystal is smaller than the wave-length of incident radiation, a surface plasmon resonance is generated The electric field of an incoming light induces a polarization of the free electrons relative to the cationic lattice. A dipolar oscillation of electrons is created with a certain frequency. F8.20

19 ● Mie was the first to explain the red color of gold nanopaticle colloidal in 1908 by solving Max well’s equation :

20 ● The larger the particles, the more important the higher-order modes as the light can no longer polarize the nanoparticles homogeneously. These higher-order modes peak at lower energies. Therefore, the plasmon band red shifts with increasing particle size. At the same time, the plasmon bandwidth increases with increasing particle size. ● The increase of both absorption wavelength and peak width with increasing particle size:extrinsic size effects. ● More complicated for smaller nanoparticles:only the dipole term is important ● For nanoparticles much smaller than the wavelength of incident light (2r

21 The Mie theory can be simplified to the following relationship (diopole approximation) :
Equation (8.19)shows that the extinction coefficient does not depend on the particle sizes;however, a size dependence is observed experimentally. This discrepancy arises obviously from the assumption in Mie theory, that the electronic structure and dielectric constant of nanoparticles are the same as those of its bulk form, which becomes no longer valid when the particle size becomes very small. Therefore, the Mie theory needs to be modified by introducing the quantum size effect.

22 In small particles, electron surface scattering becomes significant
In small particles, electron surface scattering becomes significant. For example, conduction electrons in silver and gold have a mean free path of nm and will be limited by the particle surfaces in particles of 20 nm. If the electrons scatter with the surface in an elastic but totally random way, the coherence of the overall plasmon oscillation is lost. The smaller the particles, the faster the electrons can scatter and lose the coherence more quickly. As a result, the plasmon bandwidth increases with decreasing particle size. F 8.21

23 In this region, the absorption wave length increases, but the peak width decreases with increasing particle size:Intrinsic size effect ● Extinction coefficient=1×109 M-1cm-1 for 20 nm gold nanoparticles, increases linearly with increasing volume of the particles, and three to four orders of magnitude higher than those for the very strong absorbing organic dye molecules. The coloration of nanoparticles renders practical applications. For example, the color of gold ruby glass results from an absorption band at about 0.53μm.

24 ● The spherical boundary condition of the particles shifts the resonance oscillation to lower frequencies or longer wavelength. ● The size of the gold particles influences the absorption. For particle larger than about 20 nm in diameter, the band shifts to longer wavelength as the oscillation becomes more complex. For smaller particles, the bandwidth progressively increases because the mean free path of the free electrons in the particles is about 40nm, and is effectively reduced. ● Silver particles in glass color it yellow, resulting from a similar absorption band at 0.41μm. ● Copper has a plasma absorption band at 0.565μm for copper particles in glass.

25 resomance modes:transverse and longitudinal excitations.
● Metal nanowires also have surface plasmon resonance properties. ● Metal nanorods exhibited two surface plasmon resomance modes:transverse and longitudinal excitations. Transverse mode is essentially fixed around 520 nm for Au and 410 nm for Ag Longitudinal modes can be easily tuned to span across the spectral region from visible to near infrared by controlling their aspect ratios. Gold nanorods with an aspect ratio of could fluoresce with a quantum yield more than one million times that of the bulk metal.

26 E. Electrical conductivity
Mechanisms for the effects of size on electrical conductivity of nanostructures and nanomaterials can be generally grouped into four categories: ● Surface scattering ● quantized conduction ● coulomb charging and tunneling ● widening and discrete of band gap Other factors: ● Change of microstructures ● Increased perfection

27 (E-1). Surface scattering
● Electrical conduction in metals or (Ohmic conduction) can be described by the various electron scattering, the total resistivity, ρT, is a combination of individual and independent scattering, known as Matthiessen’s rule: ρT= ρTh+ ρD ρTh:the thermal resistivity:andρD:the defect resistivity Thermal or phonon contribution, increases linearly with temperature. MPS13-5 F18.7 F18.8 #2 #3

28 ● Considering individual electrical resistivity inversely proportional to the respective mean free path (λ) between collisions, the Mattienssen’s rule can be written as: ● λT ranges from several tens to hundreds of nano-meters. ● Reduction in material’s dimensions would have two different effects on electrical resistivity: One is an increase in crystal perfection thus a reduction in resistivity. However, the defect scattering makes a minor contribution, and thus has a very small influence on the electrical resistivity. The other is to create an additional contribution to the total resistivity due to surface scattering, which plays a very important role. ● If the mean free electron path, λs, is the smallest, then it will dominate the total electrical resistivity: ( )

29 The electrons undergo either elastic or inelastic scattering
The electrons undergo either elastic or inelastic scattering. In elastic, also known as specular, scattering, the electron does not lose its energy and its momentum or velocity along the direction parallel to the surface the electrical conductivity remains the same. When scattering is totally inelastic, or nonspecular or diffuse, the scattered electron loses its velocity along the direction parallel to the surface or the conduction direction, and the electrical conductivity decrease. There will be a size effect on electrical conduction.

30 Figure 8.26 depicts the Tomposon model for inelastic scattering of electrons from film surface with film thickness, d, less than the bulk free mean electron path, λ0. The mean value of λf is given by: F8.26 After integration, we have:

31 Finally the film resistivity, ρf, relative to bulk values, ρ0, are given by:
It is clear that as d shrinks, λf decreases and ρf increases, and there is an obvious size dependence. The above model is based on an assumption that all surface scattering is inelastic and in terms of classical physics. A more accurate quantum theory, known as Fuchs-Sondheimer (F-S) theory, was also developed.

32 With P being the fraction of elastic surface scattering, an approximate formula for thin films. Whereλ0>>d, is obtained: The fraction of elastic scattering on a surface is very difficult to determine experimentally; it is known that surface impurity and roughness favor inelastic scattering. An increased surface scattering would result in reduced electron mobility and, thus, an increased electrical resistivity. Increased electrical resistivity of metallic nanowires with reduced diameters due to surface scattering has been widely reported. F8.27

33 In a polycrystalline material, as the crystallite size becomes smaller than the electron mean-free path, a contribution to electrical resistivity from grain boundary scattering arises:grain boundary scattering. The surface inelastic scattering of electrons and phonons would result in a reduced thermal conductivity of nanostructures and nanomaterials. Theoretical studies suggest that thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires with a diameter less than 20nm would be significantly smaller than the bulk value. F8.28

34 (E-2). Change of electronic structure
A reduction in characteristic dimension below a critical, i.e. the electron de Broglie wavelength, would result in a change of electronic structure, leading to widening and discrete band gap (changing optical properties and a reduced electrical conductivity) Some metal nanowires may undergo a transition to become semiconducting and semiconductor nanowires may become insulators. (qiantum size effects) For example, single crystalline Bi nanowires undergo a metal-to-semiconductor transition at a diameter of~52nm. Si nanowires of ~15 nm became insulating. #7 Nano5-8 F18.4 F18.5 F18.6 F8.22

35 (E-3). Quantum transport
(A). Ballistic Conduction ● Ballistic conduction occurs when the length of conductor is smaller than the electron mean-free path. In this case, ● Each transverse waveguide mode or conducting channel contributes G0=2e2/h=12.9kΩ-1 to the total conductance. ● No energy is dissipated in the conduction, ● There exist no elastic scattering. (This requires the absence of impurity and defects. When elastic scattering occurs, the transmission coefficients, and thus the electrical conductance will be reduced) ● The conductance of arc-produced multi-wall carbon nanotubes is one unit of the conductance quantum G0, and no heat dissipation is observed. Extremely high stable current densities, J>107 A/cm2 have been attained. F8.29

36 (B). Coulomb blockade ● Coulomb blockade (or Coulomb charging or Coulombic staircase) occurs when the contact resistance is larger than the resistance of nanostructures in question and when the total capacitance of the object is so small that adding a single electron requires significant charging energy. ● A discrete electron configuration permits one to pick up the electric charge one electron at a time, at specific voltage values. ● Nanoparticles with diameters below 2-3nm: Single electron transistors (SETs) #46 #75 #56

37 r:radius of the nanoparticle, ε0:permittivity of vacuum
For a nanoparticle surrounded by a dielectric with a dielectric constant of εr, the capacitance of the nanoparticle is dependent on its size as: r:radius of the nanoparticle, ε0:permittivity of vacuum Energy required to add a single charge to the particle is given by the charging energy: ● Tunneling of single charges can be seen at temperatures of kBT<Ec, Eqs. (8.29) and (8.30) indicate that the charging energy is independent of materials. #56 F8.30

38 (C). Tunneling conduction
Tunneling conduction:charge transport through an insulating medium separating two conductors that are extremely closely spaced. The electrical conductivity decreases exponentially with increasing thickness of insulting layer. Electrons are able to tunnel through the dielectric material when an electric is applied. Tunneling conduction is not a material property, but is a system property depending on the characteristic dimension. #99 #90 F8.31

39 (D). Effect of microstructure
Electrical conductivity may change due to the formation of ordered microstructure, when the size is reduced to a nanometer scale. For example, polymer fibers within nanometer fibris, polymers are aligned parallel to the axis of the fibris, which results in increased contribution of intramolecular conduction and reduced contribution of intermolecular conduction. Since intermolecular conduction is far smaller than intramolecular conduction, ordered arrangement of polymers with polymer chains aligned result in an increased electrical conduction. A lower synthesis temperature also favors a better alignment and thus a higher electrical conductivity. F8.32

44  T polarization of free electrons dipolar oscillation
oscillation frequency match visible light frequency particle size  (m  nm) period of oscillation: T visible light absorption (plasmon resonance absorption) frequency of absorption:  surface scattering T T T T absorption warelength:   blue shift Δ  Δ  red shift Δ band width: Δ 

45 d red- shift d blue- shift Δ Δ Δ (d)

46 thin (nano) film nanowire nanocrystal bulk crystal Energy Bad gap
discrete energy level forbidden region Energy Bad gap Increase in Band gap density of energy level: dimension of material: energy gap and band gap:

47 particle size bond gap absorption edge, λ (blue shift)

57 B-1. Interpretation of surface energy
B. Surface Energy B-1. Interpretation of surface energy Atoms or molecules on a solid surface possess fewer nearest neighbors or coordination numbers, and are under an inwardly directed force and the bond distance between the surface atoms or molecules and the sub-surface atoms or molecules, is smaller than that between interior atoms or molecules. When solid particles are very small, the lattice constants show an appreciable reduction. Surface energy, surface free energy or surface tension, by definition, is the energy required to create a unit area of “new” surface: 2.4

59 Bond Force Curve Bond Energy Curve

61 f03_04_pg89 f03_04_pg89.jpg f03_04_pg89

62 f04_07_pg178 f04_07_pg178.jpg f04_07_pg178

65 A. Basic Concepts ◎ two fundamental dislocation types: edge dislocation, screw dislocation ◎ Plastic deformation: motion of large numbers of dislocations ◎ plastic deformation produced by dislocation motion: ˙slip ˙slip plane ˙Direction of Motion ˙a screw dislocation : direction of movement is perpendicular to the stress direction. ˙an edge dislocation : parallel to the shear stress.

66 f01_07_pg176 f01_07_pg176.jpg f01_07_pg176

67 f03_07_pg177 f03_07_pg177.jpg f03_07_pg177

68 f14_07_pg188 f14_07_pg188.jpg f14_07_pg188

Intrinsic carrier concentration (electrons and holes) increase with temperature because, with rising temperature, more thermal energy is available to excite electrons from the valence to the conduction band. P n Eg T  -  “-”:remains cm changed Carrier concentration in Ge is greater than for Si due to germanium’s smaller band gap (0.67 versus 1.11 eV, Table 18.2).

70 One particle in one – dimensional box
What is the energy ? En= n2 h2/ 8ma n= 1,2,3,… (11.149) n ( Quantum Number) En En (h2/ 8ma2 ) ψn h2 / 8ma ( 2 /a) 2 sin(4π/a) X h2 / 8ma ( 2 /a) 2 sin(3π/a) X 2 (Excited States) h2 / 8ma ( 2 /a) 2 sin(2π/a) X 1 (ground State) h2 / 8ma ( 2 /a) 2 sin(π/a) X

71 m or/and a  E  and  () m or/and a  E  and  ()
One particle in one – dimensional box m or/and a  E  and  () m or/and a  E  and  () m 0 or a  E  0 *a :free particle  energy is not quantized (but contineous) no energy gap

72 (B) Ceramics Forward bias: Large numbers of charge carriers flow across the semiconductor as evidenced by an appreciable current and a low resistivity. Electron + hole Reverse bias: The junction region is relatively free of mobile charge carriers, the junction is highly insulative. At high reverse bias voltages, order of several hundred volts, large numbers of charge carriers (electrons and holes) are generated. A very abrupt increase in current: breakdown. energy (18.18)

Most metals are extremely good conductors: because of the large numbers of free electrons that have been excited into empty states above the Fermi energy (n has a large value) Crystalline defects serve as scattering centers for conduction electrons it has been observed experimentally that the total resistivity  total of a metal is the sum of the cotributions from thermal vibrations  t impurities  i, and platic deformation (d, cold work): ( scattering mechanisms act independently) (18.9) Matthiessen’s rule

A. OHM’S LAW The ease with which a solid material transmits an electric current F18.1 (18.1) V, I, and R: voltage in volts (J/C), current in amperes (C/s), and resistance in ohms (V/A). R is influenced by specimen configuration, resistivity  is independent of specimen geometry (18.2)

: ohm-meters (-m) (18.3) B. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY (18.4) Capability of conductiong an eletric current, : [(-m)-1 , or mho/m], Ohm’s law may be expressed as (18.5)

86 ◎ For Solid: ◎ The electrical properties are a consequence of its electron band structure: the arrangement of the outermost electron bands and the way in which they are filled with electrons.( Eletrical conduction occurs only when there are available positions(empty states or holes) for electrons to move.) ◎ Four different types of band structures are possible at 0 k: • The first : partially filled(valence)band: conductor (Eg=0, i.e., no band gap), e.g., copper, one 4s electron(per atom), only half the available electorn positions within this 4S band are filled.

87 Band Structure Model

89 Electrically Conductive Materials (Metals)
UV visible microwave radio wave absorption: radio  UV opaque bulk materials UV for IR absorption: far IR UV opaque Nanoparticles (2-3nm)

90 Microscopic particles (photons, electrons, atoms, molecules……) in Nano devices

91 Microscopic particles (photons, electrons, atoms, molecules……) moving on to a narrow energy barrier
E > V0 (in Nano devices i.e., a: in nano range) E V0 E < V0 1 T R see Fig.6-15 R=f(E/V0, a) T=f(E/V0, a) E/V0